Thursday 9 October 2014

Hey everyone,

Okay, so this is going to be a bit of a rant, feel free to skip to another blog if you would like, you have 5 seconds...

You're still here? Great!

Insult has started to become a regular occurrence in my life; I'm being offended on a regular basis and the worst part is - people don't even realise they're being offensive!
Now, I'm all for feeling confident and positive about the shape and size of your body, as long as you're happy and healthy, who cares? Now, assuming we're all in agreement with what I've just said, why is it that a growing number of adults are starting to tell me to "get some meat on my bones?"


No. Go away.

On a day to day basis, I'll usually eat enough to feed a small army, I'm not on any diets, nor do I want to be. I'm just small. Always have been.
Saying that, I don't even think I'm particularly small, I'd say I'm wonderfully average and was, perfectly comfortable in my own body.

I just don't understand why people think its okay to comment on other peoples weight, why should they care so much about how everybody else looks? It's like when I get back-handed "compliments" from friends saying things like "I could never wear something like that, I'm too fat. You're lucky you're so skinny." err... What? Why don't you stop concerning yourself with something that I have chosen to fit my body and go find something nice for you, that you like and looks good on YOU.

Relatives too! Stop saying things like "I used to look like that once, you don't know how lucky you are, make the most of it!" err... Excuse me!? Stop comparing yourself to a teenager, embrace and love your body now for what it is!

I'd like for it to be known that being called "skinny" is just as insulting as being called "fat."
You don't know why that person is the size they are; What if they have an illness causing extreme weight loss? What if they're recovering from an eating disorder? Or maybe, they could be like me - just small.

Well... I feel much better now.  Just remember, you might as well love your body for what it is, its the only one you have!

Unless you're a cyborg. Then you could probably get a body upgrade or something...

Kelly x